Our Sanctuary at Praise has received a number of great improvements over the past 10 weeks including: new insulated interior walls, new acoustic ceiling, and two framed in sections for windows on the upper half of the South Wall. Scheduled to arrive during Holy Week 2013: 128 new worship chairs with book-racks for our new Lutheran Service Book hymnals that we dedicated in December. The sound, temperature, and lighting have dramatically improved and it is a renewed blessing to honor the worship of our God and the preaching of God’s Holy Word with extra clarity and comfort for our members and guests. The men of our congregation, spearheaded by our Property Committee including Todd McKay (chairman), Bob McDermott (the glue who has kept the project on schedule and spent many early hours preparing for the work our volunteers and he would accomplish), and Larry Bembas (who skillfully and persistently labored and spearheaded many details large and small) and are to be commended and thanked for their time, skills, and labor of love for our Lord and His church. Many retired and working men of the congregation have dedicated hours and sacrificed home projects and times of rest in order to improve and make Praise’s Sanctuary more inviting and comfortable for the time we spend together with Christ. Many wives of these men and other ladies of the congregation have likewise sacrificed time away from their husbands and put holds on home projects and lended their aid during intense times of clean up for worship. What a blessing!

Behold, some pictures of the Sanctuary Improvement Project 2013