Building Project Status:

Construction is complete! Our stained glass windows were installed the week before our Dedication on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024. Come rejoice with us.

Church Dedication was held on Sunday afternoon, May 19, 2024

I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1

Thankful for all the work and blessings of our God upon the teams and workers who constructed our new church.

Please read the recognitions and thanks in our Dedication Booklet and Service Bulletin (pdf)

“You yourselves as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house” — 1 Peter 2:5

View the Slide Show of the Updated Drawings and Timeline Below

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Let’s build this together.

Take an aerial walkthrough of what Praise Lutheran could soon be with your prayers and with prayerful commitment.

“The need is evident. The plans are exciting…and reasonable. And thanks to our Build Team, the possibilities are now tangible. Thanks be to God!”

Dr. Tom Wittkopp, Congregational President

Through the centuries, Christians have gathered in the Sanctuary to behold God. It is the holy and heavenly space where we sing, mourn, marry, and rejoice both on Sunday mornings and through midweek services. God’s people gather there to call on the name of the Lord. The Sanctuary is our home away from home. It is our home with God.

Let’s step inside and behold the beauty of the Lord’s Sanctuary that we hope to build with your prayers and support.

After careful study of our property and professional help from ArchKinetic (architecture, planning, development, design) and Cornerstone Farm Construction, we have a plan of what we can do together for the Lord and the Gospel and for all. We realize this is a blessed place to have a Sanctuary for the greater Knoxville region in the foothills of the beautiful Smoky Mountain National Park, in Maryville, Tennessee.

Now take some time to explore a more in-depth presentation of the floor plans and design renderings–enjoy the music!

As part of our Capital Campaign, we invited Attorney Joel Roettger to speak about planning a charitable gift and he explains why estate plans are beneficial. Below is a recording of his live presentation given on September 16, 2021. He also generously shared with us his slides (pdf).

But why this? Why now? Answer: God has been adding to our number at Praise, so we realized the need to build a new Sanctuary with greater capacity. It also seemed good to try and re-purpose our current structure since God has blessed us with it (and our property guys have kept it in great shape!). We’ve gotten by with a mostly gravel parking lot for many years, so we’re excited to offer paved parking, have more classrooms for our kids to learn, and have a larger Social Hall for studying the truth, host receptions, guest speakers, and celebrating all that life brings. In short, the build is in response to God’s work among us. The need is real and God is at work to prepare us to welcome even more to be served by His Son and the life restoring truth of the Gospel. 

Guided by the Holy Spirit and motivated by love for the lost and spiritually wandering, let’s build upon the Rock (Christ Jesus) together. 

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 Timeline (2024)

Construction continues through Spring. Sanctuary stained glass windows will be installed in July. 

May 19, 2024: Dedication of the new building and expanded ministry. Give thanks to the Lord. Praise Him in His House and bless His people with Life!

The Impact Phase of our Capital Campaign  spans from 2021 to 2024 with the goal of raising capital for the ministry expansion.


Comittment Progress

Ready to Support?

Let’s build this together.