Convocation of the LCMS Knoxville Circuit

Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)

A first for our circuit! The LCMS Knoxville Circuit Visitor has called for a Convocation: a large gathering of all our LCMS churches of the Knoxville Circuit for informative and encouraging presentations and to celebrate the Divine Service together. Have you ever wondered what other LCMS churches in our area are doing to reach the lost, teach the faithful, and care for all? You’re invited to come enjoy a Saturday filled with ministry leader presentations, get to know other area LCMS clergy, church workers, church leaders, and laity, and then have Absolution, Word, and Communion on the Eve of Saint Michael and All Angels.

Everything You Need to Know

When I consider the great progress and growth that has taken place not only with our parishes welcoming new families and new members over the past few years, but with the excellent ministry that is our Lutheran K-8 school, early childhood centers, and also our new called and commissioned workers that serve as deaconesses, directors of Christian education, parish nurses, and the like. And in addition to the many ministries and auxiliary organizations that are vibrant in the parishes of our circuit, it seems that the time is right to come together as a circuit family with the spirit of encouragement, inspiration, and motivation, to share in the good news of what these ministries do and how they can better be of service to the wider Church. This convocation will be a time for all members of the parishes of the Knoxville Circuit to learn, encourage, and to motivate each other for mission and ministry in our East Tennessee home.


Expect an exciting time of joyful encouragement in what God is doing in our midst and for thought provoking talks and sessions to better help us all understand the depth and breadth of what the impact of our faith can be in our own communities. With the District Convention approaching in 2025 there will also be time made to discuss our theology and practice and to put forward our own thoughts and hopes for what we would like the Convention to consider in the coming year. Further, we will take time to gather around our Lord in the gifts of his grace given to us in his Body and Blood that grant us the promise of everlasting life, the forgiveness of sins, and the most powerful sign of the unity we share in him. I know this big divine service will be the highlight of the day.

Rev. David Graves

Circuit Visitor and Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church, Wartburg, Tennessee

Saturday, September 28, 2024
from 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.

Convocation begins in








Location: Praise Lutheran Church (LCMS), Maryville

Map to Convocation:


Praise Lutheran Church (LCMS)
315 Southdowne Dr.
Maryville, TN 37801
(865) 977-5810

What to Expect

(our circuit visitor’s agenda and general schedule of events)

10:00 a.m. Welcome and Refreshments/Orientation, Rev. David Graves, Circuit Visitor and Chair for the Convocation

10:15 a.m. to Noon:  Presentations from area LCMS church ministries and churchworkers (First Lutheran School-Knoxville, Grace Lutheran-Knoxville, St. Paul Lutheran-Wartburg, Praise Lutheran-Maryville, etc.)

Noon: Lunch (free, but RSVPs needed)

1:00 t0 2:30 p.m. Presentations continue (The Point-Knoxville, Chapel of the Good Shepherd-Sharps Chapel, Grace Lutheran Church’s Holy Smokers, Pregnancy Resource Center of Maryville and Sevierville. etc.)

2:30 p.m. Special address from LCMS Mid-South District President Rev. Dr. Roger Paavola

3:00 p.m. The Divine Service on the Eve of St. Michael and All Angels (Rev. Chase Lefort, Preacher; Rev. David Graves, Celebrant, other area clergy assisting; Gary Schauerman, Organist)