Praise Lutheran Church Sermons

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Video will start 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes prior scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.

Receiving a Child in My Name

September 19, 2021
Video starts 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes before scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video starts approximately 3 minutes before scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes before schedule service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes prior the scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video begins 3 minutes before scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video starts 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will start 3 minutes before scheduled service begins. Please refresh this page.

John in Jeopardy

July 11, 2021
Video will start 3 minutes prior to scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
Video will begin 3 minutes from scheduled service time. Please refresh your browser.

Healing and Raising

June 27, 2021
Video will start 3 minutes before the scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.
The video will start 3 minutes prior to the scheduled service time. Please refresh the page.
Video will start 3 minutes prior to the scheduled service time. Please refresh this page.

Christ’s True Family

June 6, 2021
Video will begin 3 minutes prior to the scheduled service time. Please refresh this page at that time.

How Deep the Mystery

May 30, 2021
Video will begin 3 minutes before the scheduled service time. Please refresh page at that time.
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